Media & Interviews
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more value than silence. -Pythagoras |
Fana Television: የፕሮጀክቶች አፈጻጸም
Opinion: What a Ju-Jitsu mindset can teach us about climate action
DW Interview: የጀርመን መሰረታዊ ሕግጋቶች የፀደቀበት 75ኛ ዓመት / 75 Jahre Grundgesetz
DW Interview: On the Ethiopian diaspora
DW Interview: በጀርመን በቀኝ ጽንፈኞች ላይ የተጠናከረው ተቃውሞ
Mut zum Aufbruch (The courage to set out) Online Congress Trailer
Reporter: The development of Ethiopian sport limited by the guidelines በመመርያና በደንብ የተገደበው የኢትዮጵያ ስፖርት ዕድገት (December 2023)
Reporter The sports guidelines conflict with the law (December 2023)
‹‹በኢትዮጵያ የሚወጡት የስፖርት መመርያዎች ከሕግ ጋር የሚጣረሱ ናቸው›› ፀጋዬ ደግነህ ዶ/ር)፣ በኢትዮጵያ የጁዶና ጁጂትሱ የሙያ ማኅበር የበላይ ጠባቂ
ETV Judo and Ju-Jitsu Sports – ጁዶ እና ጁጂትሱ ስፖርቶች በኢትዮጵያ (Nov. 2023)
ETV Sport organization: ስለ ስፖርት አመራር ብቃት (starting 3:30 min) (Oct, 2023)
ETV: Sustainability አሁን ላይ የኤሌክትሪክ ተሽከርካሪዎችን መጠቀም ቅንጦት ነውን? (Sept. 2023)
Tsegaye Degineh Awarded in Addis Ababa / International Judo (Sept.2023)
የዓመቱ በጎ ሰው – ከጀርመን – Ye Begosew Award (Good Person of the Year)
The role of African professionals in Germany’s pluralism – በጀርመን ብዝኃነት ውስጥ የአፍሪቃውያን ሞያተኞች ሚና
Seminar on project management, work culture and knowledge sharing in sports in May 2023 at the Ministry of Culture and Sports.
ETV interview on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. JU-JUTSU ist BACK, BUNT und VERBINDET Integrationslehrgang des Berliner Ju-Jutsu-Verbandes
URET, Hailu Mamo With Dr. Lemma and Dr. Tsegaye, የኢትዮጵያ ሁኔታና የዲያስፖራው ቁዘማ ክፍል አንድ
DW: በጀርመን የኢትዮጵያውያን ውይይት እና ትብብር መድረክ አራት ግለሰቦች ሸለመ
Interview with Combat sports Africa: Jujitsu, BJJ and MMA in Africa. Technology, sport development, reality tv and inclusion. (July 2022) INTEGRATION DURCH JU-JUTSU
Nahoo Interview: On the suspension of Cashgo by the National Bank and other issues
Fana: Interview on Great Homecoming
Interview with Daimler / Mercedes-Benz “If I fall ten times, I can get up eleven times” on 01.07.2021
BBC On the martial arts career and other activities
Fm addis 97.1 to the award of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
JJIF News to the award of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Dr Tsegaye Degineh receives the highest recognition from the Federal Republic of Germany
Deutsche Welle to the award of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
IJF News to the award of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Zehabesha to the award of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany starting from the 21 minutes.
Together we can make a difference – Initiative of Ethiopian Embassy Berlin against the Covid-19 crises.
እባክዎትን #ቪዲዮውን ይመልከቱ ለወዳጆም ያጋሩ። አናመሰገናለን!Please watch the #Video and also share to your contacts.Thank you!The…
Gepostet von Ethiopian Embassy in Germany am Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2020
Fana Broadcating interview with Prof. Zenebe Kinfu and Dr. Tsegaye Degineh on US sanctions in Ethiopia on diplomatic relations and economic impact.
The role of the Ethiopian “diaspora abroad” in the upcoming election in May – Ms. Selamwit Dawit, Head of the Ethiopian Diaspora Agency, Dr. Tsegaye Degineh, Ms. Hilina Mulatu, a executive committee of the Belgian-based Ethiopian Bridge Forum – A Deutsche Welle Amharic conversation -11.04.2021-
Let’s Talk Ethiopia: With Ambassador Mulu Solomon, Vincent den Hengst, Dr. Tsegaye Degineh
Interview Fana TV Dr. Tirusew Asefa and Dr. Tsegaye Degineh. – Ethiopia’s position on the construction and filling of the Renaissance Dam. –
Adebabay Media: Our Potential: The Image of Ethiopia and the Rights and Responsibilities of the Diaspora |
Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation: Conversation about the current situation of Covid-19 in Germany from a medical, technical, economic and social point of view: Dr. Sentayehu Assefa and Dr.Tsegaye Degineh
ZEWDU SHOW: Allowing dual citizenship in Ethiopia is important for the country Dr. Tsegaye Degineh
Ethiopia – ESAT Tikuret የቀውስ ማግስት እርምጃዎች Hailu with Dr. Lemma and Dr. Tsegaye 11 Dec 2020 Part 2
17.12.2020 – Interview with DW – Mesfin Amare and Tsegaye Degineh on Christmas, and New Year’s Eve under the shadow of Corona…
Interview on the legal and law enforcement operation ESAT Tikuret የቀውስ ማግስት እርምጃዎች Hailu Mamo with Dr. Lemma Yifrashewa and Dr. Tsegaye Degineh 11 Dec 2020 Part 1
Interview: German Christmas Market Traditions and COVID-19-Pandemie
Interview with the Ethiopian Satellitia Television concerning the follow-up of the open letter of 60 Ethiopians and German-Ethiopians living in Germany to Chancellor Merkel concerning the Grand-Ethiopian-Renaissance-Dam., Prof. Dr. Asnakech Laß-Seyoum, Dr. Tsegaye Degineh – 29.08.2020
Interview with Daimler “face of sustainability” / Gesicht der Nachhaltigkeit – 12.082020.
ESAT Tikuret Hailu Mamo on Corona and Negligence with Dr. Sintayehu Asefa and Dr. Tsegaye Degineh
“ቅድሚያ ልንሰጠው የሚገባውን ችግር ቸል ብለነዋል” ከዶ/ር ፀጋዬ ደግነህ እና ዶ/ር ስንታየሁ አሰፋ ጋር የተደረገ ቆይታ August 2020
Open letter of 60 Ethiopians living in Germany and German-Ethiopians to Chancellor Merkel concerning the Grand-Ethiopian-Renaissance-Dam with SBS- Amharic. – Prof. Dr. Asnakech Laß-Seyoum and Dr. Tsegaye Degineh 28.07.2020
በበርሊን የቴክኒክ ኬሚስትሪ ፕሮፌሰር ዶ/ር አስናቀች ሥዩምና የምጣኔ ኃብት ባለሙያ ዶ/ር ጸጋዬ ደግነህ፤ በአገረ ጀርመን ካሉ የኢትዮጵያ ማኅበረሰብ አባላት ጋር በመተባበር ለጀርመኗ ቻንስለር አንግላ ሜርክል ስለ ጻፉት ደብዳቤ ተልዕኮ ይናገራሉ።
Gepostet von SBS Amharic am Dienstag, 28. Juli 2020
Interview with DW (Deutsche Welle): Offener Brief von 60 in Deutschland lebenden ÄthiopierInnen und Deutsch-ÄthiopierInnen zum Nil-Staudamm (GERD), Open letter to Chancellor Merkel from 60 Ethiopian & Ethiopian-Germans concerning GERD 13.07.2020
ETV: Interview with Ambassador Mulu Solomon, Dr. Debru Gubba and Dr. Tsegaye Degineh, 06.06.2020
Interview with the Ethiopian Satellitia Television about the experiences and the first successful milestone in corona (COVID-19) pandemic containment in Germany as lessons learned. 22.04.2020
Deutsche Welle – concerning Corona, the hardest challenge for the European Union particularly “Corona Bond”. 30.03.2020
To Listen
Deutsche Welle Interview – Coronavirus: Technical lessons learned – 29.03.2020
To Listen
ESAT Interview socio-economic-political challenges on the current crisis of Corona (COVID-19) pandemic. 27.03.2020
ESAT Interview on the Socioeconomic challenges and lessons learned of Corona (COVID-19) pandemic in Europe. 20 Mach 2020
የኢትዮጵያኖች የአስተሳሰብ ለውጥ የት ደርሷል? ክፍል 2- ናሁ ጉዳይ (Nahoo TV – on mindset and working culture – part 2)
የኢትዮጵያኖች የአስተሳሰብ ለውጥ የት ደርሷል? ክፍል 1- ናሁ ጉዳይ (Nahoo TV – on mindset and working culture – part 1)
ESAT- Dual Citizenship Benefits and Challenges
To Watch
የሳሮን የጥበብ ጅማሮ (Saron Degineh – interview with Fana TV)
To listen
ከውጭ አገር ወደ አገር ቤት ለሚገቡ በጎ ፈቃደኛ ኢትዮጵያውያን ኃላፊነትና ተደራሽነት ሊኖር ይገባል SBS on voluntarism
To Listen
የእውቅና እና ምስጋና ስረዐት
To Listen
Deutsche Welle on the Ethiopian upcoming election
To Listen
በስፖርቱ የተደበላለቀው ሕግ ደንብና መመርያ (Reporter on Sport)
To Read
በስራ ባህል እና በማይንድሴት ላይ ያተኮረ ሴሜናር Technology and Innovation Institute
To Read
To Watch
የስራ ባህል ማሳደግ እና የአስተሳሰብ ለዉጥ ለተሻለ አፈፃፀም
Gepostet von Technology and Innovation Institute, Ethiopia am Montag, 30. Dezember 2019
የስራ ስነምግባር የአመራር ክህሎት እና የስፖርት ተመክሮ ከጀርመን ለስፖርት አመራር
To Read
My workshop on sport experience sharing from Germany and #WorkingCulture to Ethiopian Sport Authorities.
— Dr. Tsegaye Degineh (@TsegayeD4) January 5, 2020
Deutsche Welle on Sport Road map and strategy in Ethiopia
To Read
Addis Zemen – determinants of innovation and change – ዕምቅ አቅማችን በእጅ የያዙት ወርቅ … እንዳይሆንብን
To Read
SBS – Amharic on Dual Citizenship
To listen
Deutsche Welle on the visit of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier
To Listen
Ethiopian Reporter – on Dual Citizenship
To Read
SBS – Amharic on Public Policy
To listen
SBS – Amhaic in Ethiopians in Germany: Mischief, Anger, Peace and Unity
To lisen
Deutsche Welle on Sport Reform
To Listen
SBS – Amharic on German Federal Election:
To listen
SBS – Amharic on Project Management
To listen
SBS – Amharic on Martilal Arts
To listen
SBS – Amharic
To listen
FM Sheger 103 Ethiopia Radio
To listen
Sendek News Paper
To read
ETV- Video Interview on Martila Arts
To watch
FM 97.1 Ethiopia Radio
To listen
African Television Network of New England
To watch Part I, Part II
Abugida Ethiopian American Television Network
To watch
Deutsche Welle Interview with two Ethiopian Economists, 15th July 2009
To listen (MP3, 11MB)
Business management – News on Project Management and Diaspora
To read
Reporter News Paper – Interview on Project Management and Martial Art
To read
ETV- Video Interview on Project Management and Diaspora
To watch
Addis Admas News Paper – Interview on Martial Arts and diverse
To Read, Correction
Deutsche Welle Interview on Project Management Book, 16th May 2008
To listen IVR (6.8MB), WMA (3.0MB)
Deutsche Welle Interview on Energy and Knowledge Transfer, 24th April 2008
To listen (WMA, 3.8MB)
ዶ/ር ጸጋዬ ደግነህ፤ የፕሮጄክት ማኔጅመንትና የምጣኔ ሃብት ባለሙያ፤ የዓለም አቀፍ ጂ-ጁትሱ ፌዴሬሽን የሥነ ምግባር ኮሚሽን ምክትል ሊቀ መንበርና የአፍሪካ ጂ-ጁትሱ ማኅበር ምክትል…
Gepostet von DireTube am Mittwoch, 12. September 2018