Tsegaye Degineh


“I am still learning” – Michael Angelo By three methods we may learn wisdom:
First, by reflection, which is noblest;
Second, by imitation, which is easiest;
and third by experience, which is the bitterest.
– Confucius

Dr Tsegaye Degineh

Born 1969 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


  • Entoto (Teferi Mekonen) Technical and Vocational High School – Diploma in General Mechanics and ESLCE (Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate Examination)
  • Nativity Boys School Cathedral
  • Ewket Lehebret Elementary School

Higher Education, Scholarships & Qualifications

  • Various Certification and professional Qualifications in Project management, Management, IT, sports instructions, acting for a camera (since 2000)
  • Dr. rer. pol. (Ph.D.) in Economics; magna cum laude (with great distinction) , at Department of Economics & Business Administration, Humboldt University Berlin (2000),
    –  Thesis advisor: Prof. Michael Burda;  Scholarship for Talented Young Academicians
  • Diplom-Kaufmann (equivalent to Masters Degree in Business Administration) at the Department of Economics and Business Administration, Humboldt University Berlin (1995)
    – D.A.A.D. Scholarship (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst- German Academic Exchange Service)
  • Vordiplom (equivalent to first degree) in Business Administration at Technical College Zwickau (1992)
    – D.A.A.D. Scholarship (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst- German Academic Exchange Service)

Prime minster Dr. Abiy Ahmed and Dr. Tsegaye Degineh Berlin 2019                           

Professional Experience:-
x-defaultDiversity Management,  Sustainability Management,  Working Culture and Digitalization,, Knowledge Transfer, Ethics and Integrity, HR–Communication, Enterprise Architecture Management, Project Management, Project Portfolio Management, Process Management, IT-Controlling and Risk Management, Supplier Chain Management, Balanced Score Card and Best Practise Analysis, Governance and Consolidation, Investment Analysis and Privatization, Development Economics and Labour Market,  Cooperative Studies, Property Rights, Principal of Self Defence and Conflict Management, Consulting and Mentoring, Empirical Social Research

Employment Experience:-

  • Diversity & Inclusion Management,  Sustainability Management, HR Com, EAM, Project Manager, Project Portfolio Management at  Mercedes-Benz,  Daimler Company (former DaimlerChrysler) (2001-Present)
  • Business Analyst at Allstate Direct Insurance Company Germany (2000-01)
  • Occasional interpreter at the Administrative Court Berlin (1997-00)
  • Research Assistant at Institute for Cooperative Studies Humboldt-University Berlin (1995-97)
  • Student Project Assistant at VDI/VDE Information Technology Research Centre
  • Student Research Assistant at Institute for Cooperative Studies Humboldt-University Berlin (1993-95)


Academic & Voluntary Activities

  • Presented several proposals on knowledge transfer using Germany as an example, participated in public diplomacy, co-organised an event and accompanied Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed during his visit in Germany
  • Adjunct Professor at University Wismar-   Master Course in Business Administration – applied project management (2009-14 )
  • Project Management Instructor for senior experts from Ministries, Regional States and Universities in Ethiopia (since 2007)
  • Mentor at the department of Economics and Business Administration, Humboldt University Berlin (2004-2008)
  • Guest lecturer at the International Summer School, Technical University Berlin – Strategic & business management (since 2004)
  • Chairman of Development Countries Studies Sector at Humboldt University Berlin (SKEL) (1993-98)


International & Social Activities

  • Honorary side judge in administrative court
  • Vice President of the Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) Ethics Commission (since 2016)  and Head of Sustainability (since 2020)
  • Marketing and Promotion Commission African Judo Union
  • Vice President of the Ju-Jitsu African Union and President of Zone 5 Ju-Jitsu African Union (JJAFU) 
  • Co-Founder Initiative Judo for Ethiopian
  • Patron of Judo & Ju Jitsu Associations in Ethiopia   (registered  local sports offices)
  • Chef Instructor Ethiopian Ju-Jitsu and Judo, and Black Belt examiner at Federal State level Brandenburg, Germany (since 2007/08)
  • Private initiative in Ethiopia, which financially supports children, (since 2001)
    Whose parents cannot afford the monthly school payment, or children, who have outstanding achievements in the respective school year.
  • Coaching Ju Jutsu for the university sports program (since 1999 )
  • Founding member and member of the board Self-administration of ex allied forces residential Berlin (1995-96)

Addis Ababa Acting Mayor Takele Uma Awarding Dr. Tsegaye Degineh, 2019Michael Gust awarding Dr. Tsegaye Degineh - Saaron Degineh

Awards and Apperceptions

  • Ye Begosew Award (Good Person of the Year) 2023
  • Recognition Award on Diaspora Role model awarded by the Ethiopian Community in Germany, 2022
  • The Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany / Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande 2021
  • Award and Recognition of Addis Ababa City for the development of Judo & Ju-Jitsu sport both throughout Ethiopia and beyond its borders.
  • The highest golden needle of honor of the German Ju-Jitsu Federations,
  • Diverse Letter of Appreciations (German Parliament/Dr. Rück, Berlin Senat, International Judo & Ju-Jitsu Federations, Africa Federation, Dr.Thomas Bach/German Olympic Sports Confederation, the Regional States in Ethiopia and institutions, , School, Mercedes Benz)
  • Several Honorary black belts
  • Berlin Business Plan Competition 1996/97 – Organised by McKinsey, Berlin universities, and Deutsche Bank

Professional Memberships

  • Judo & Ju Jitsu Association (since 2007)
  • PMI Project management Institute (Member) (since 2006)
  • Ethiopian Economic Association (1996- Member) & European Economic Association (-1999, Member)